
Great Vespers 5:00pm (October-May)
Great Vespers is an evening prayer service to celebrate the close of one day and the beginning of the next. The hymnody shines with a gladsome light in gratitude for salvation and glorifying God.
Orthros 9:00am
Orthros is our morning service whose focus is sharing the salvation history of Jesus Christ’s teachings, ministry, Crucifixion and Resurrection.
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Divine Liturgy is our main worship service, in which we enter into the very Kingdom of Heaven. We participate in the real presence of the Word of God, through the reading of Holy Scripture and the receiving of Holy Communion.

Special Feast Days
Orthodox Christians celebrate special feast days throughout the year. These include feasts like Christmas, the Baptism of Christ and Ascension. We also celebrate special services to honor the Lord’s mother and His saints.
See our calendar for more information.